Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Beauty of Community Gardens

Community Gardens

A community garden is a piece of land that is collectively gardened by a group of people. Community gardens can provide fresh produce and plants as wells as a satisfying labor. Many people find gardening relaxing and rewarding. If a person does not have yard that is conducive for their own garden, a community garden can enhance their quality of life. Community gardens can bring a neighborhood or area a sense of community and openness.
In the newly developed area of Macon, GA called Bealls Hill, the designers choose to install a community garden. In my recent trip to this garden, I found it to be more or less negelected. The layout of the garden was great, but each individual plant bed needed work. Some of the plants were in full bloom and just needed to pruned, while others were dead and needed to be replaced. The best thing for this garden would be to advertise it. I don't think that many people in the area are aware of the garden.

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